Action Network/Action Builder Training

Recruiting Your Own Micro-Influencers and Advocate Supporters

Winning the narrative and driving engagement on social media is harder than ever. Gaining traction for your organization’s message is becoming harder in a crowded social space. Getting any meaningful organic engagement on most Facebook pages is a thing of the past.

But all is not lost. Many organizations are getting real and making an impact by engaging their Micro-Influencers and Advocate Supporters. Your organization likely has hundreds or thousands of people who want to help you spread your message.

This Training and Strategy Cohort will help you understand how to build an Amplification and Engagement Program of Micro-Influencers and Advocate Supporters. We’ll make sure you understand the strategy and set reasonable goals. Equip you with templates and planning tools. Together we’ll work to help you launch your program through this cohort.

Our mission is to provide you with the coaching, resources, and tools to create a campaign, find a creator, and begin working towards executing your campaign and reaching new audiences.

We’ll cover:

* A strategic view of how Micro-Influencers and Advocate Supporters Programs make an impact
* Essential strategy and resources for recruitment
* Metrics and measuring success for your program
* How to deploy content for engagement to your Micro-Influencers and Advocate Supporters

And much more

Sessions will be 90 minutes at 4 ET / 1 PT on Monthly starting in April
Course Dates: Tuesday April 23rd @ 4 ET / 1 PT — Tuesday May 14th @ 4 ET / 1 PT — Tuesday June 18th @ 4 ET / 1 PT — Tuesday July 16th @ 4 ET / 1 PT

2024 Digital Organizing Bootcamp

Our 2024 Digital Bootcamp will be held Sunday, June 23- Saturday, June 29 in Denver, Colorado (exact location to be shared once accepted into the training).

The deadline for applications is April 20, 2024.

Have you been trying to figure how best to use digital organizing strategies and tactics to accentuate the organizing work you do? Do you have a little experience working in digital organizing but want to fine tune your strategies?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, then our Digital Organizing Bootcamp is for you.

Digital Organizing Bootcamp is a week-long immersive training in Digital Organizing with hands-on, in-depth training on topics like:

Building a digital campaign strategy

Mapping engagement paths for your supporters

Best practices for building websites, writing email blasts, managing social media and other digital organizing tasks

Integrating digital tactics with offline organizing

Follow up opportunities for mentorship and additional training

To teach you all this and more, we are bringing in some of the best digital trainers in the country to guide you as you master the art of Digital Organizing. This is a unique opportunity to have in-depth conversations with experienced Digital Organizers working across the country about topics like writing a digital campaign budget, managing digital staff, making our digital content inclusive and accessible to everyone and making the case for digital campaigns to non-digital colleagues and bosses.

You’ll also have hands-on experiences with some of the most up-to-date technology being used in Digital Organizing.

This training costs $2500 and covers the cost of the training and all meals. We offer a limited number of scholarships and are always willing to work out payment arrangements as needed. We never want anyone to not attend a training because of financial challenges so please apply and let’s talk.

Action Network/Action Builder Training